Cybersecurity, as sensitive a topic as it is, should not be complicated and layered and there should be a simple and failsafe solution to keep malware at bay and protect even the remote and outdated assets much like we protect our most vulnerable populace in the society from all kind of viruses.
With this aim and vision in mind, a few Indian Industry leaders conceptualized Terafence Private Limited (an Indian entity) to enhance and provide next generation of Cyber Security protection for critical and most vulnerable assets like CCTV, IT and OT networks.
The base technology and boost to effectuate and accomplish this mission is from Terafence Limited, Israel via Transfer of Technology Route.
The Terafence Private Limited (Brand Name: iTF) products are proudly “Made in India”.
Headquartered in Gurgaon, we are young and dynamic organization with an aim to secure the ever growing cyber-attack surface across industries.